Payables Reports Troubleshooting

1. Prob: My Trial Balance report reflects incorrect information.  How do I rebuild the Trial Balance to accurately reflect the actual data in my database?

   Sol: You will need to run the Rebuild Trial Balance script contained in patch  375496.  This patch can be     obtained through MetaLink.

2. Prob: I wish to research my issue though MetaLink.  I understand it is easier  to search for similar issues if I use the short name of my report as part of  my search criteria, however, I do not know the short name.  How do I determine the Short Name and Executable of my report?

   Sol: 1. Obtain the report log from the failed report run.
          2. Go to the application menu under Help View My Requests. A popup window
              illustrating the results of concurrent processes submitted by the user displays and in the lower   left-hand portion of the screen is the Request Log button.Click this to obtain the request log and document the short name of the report as shown in the header.

       - OR -

   1. Based on the report name the Technical Reference Manuals (TRM) can be used
   to obtain the short name.
   2. Determine the Executable Name through the System Administrator responsibility.
   Concurrent -> Program -> Define: Query Short Name value from above steps.

3. Prob: I've found a Note that contains information that indicates my issue may be caused by Invalid Objects in the Database. How do I check for these items?

   Sol: Run the following script to determine there are any Invalid Objects present:

          SELECT owner, object_name, object_type
          FROM dba_objects
          WHERE status = 'INVALID';

4. Prob: My "Payables Open Interface Import" errors out with REP-0736 (There exist
   uncompiled program units) and REP-1247(Report contains uncompiled sql).   How
   can I resolve this?

   Sol:  You need to recompile the report by converting the report from a rdf format to a rex format then back  to a rdf format again.


          r25convm userid=apps/apps stype=rdffile dtype=rexfile
          source=<report_name>.rdf dest=<report_name>.rex
          batch=yes overwrite=yes

5. Prob: How do I run a Report from the command line?

   Sol:  Syntax for running report from the command line:

         ar25run userid=<schema owner of the report>/<password> \
         report=<report name>.rdf destype=printer desname=<printer name> batch=yes

     Change directories to the where the report resides.

               cd $AP_TOP/srw ( Apps 10.7)
               cd $AP_TOP/reports ( Apps 11)
               ar25run userid=apps/apps report=<report>.rdf destype=printer \
                           desname=orlprt6 batch=yes

6. Prob: I receive error ORA-00904, invalid column name when I attempt to run
   the "Suppliers" report on my release 11 instance:

   Sol:  Apply patch 725776 which brings APXVDVSR.rdf to version 110.This is
   included in mini-pack C and higher for release 11.

7. Prob: I am trying to run the "Expense Distribution Detail"  report for a NEW
   organization but am unable to submit the report.  I receive error APP-00703

   Sol:  Run the REPLICATE SEED DATA program for the Organization. Go into System
   Administrator responsibility and navigate to:

          1. Request -> Run
          2. Go to the Name field and click on the List of Values button (LOV).
          3. Choose the Replicate Seed Data program.
          4. The application will then ask for an Operating Unit.
          5. Choose the appropriate organization.
          6. Click the OK button to run the request

8. Prob: I receive the following errors attempting to run several different AP

          REP-00002 Unable to retrieve string from message file
          MSG-00001 After srwinit
          REP-01419: 'BEFORERE0004' plsql program aborted
          APP-00969: program exited with status 1
          APP-01125 Concurrent manager got an error running oracle reports.

   Sol:  In many cases REP-1419 'BEFOREREP0004' error is caused by not setting
   the GL Set of Books Name profile option.   This is set in the Update System
   Profile Options (Navigate - >Profile - >System).  In a single Org set up it
   should be set at the Site level.  In a multi Org set up it should be set at
   the responsibility level.

9. Prob: I have performance issues with the "Discounts Taken and Lost" report
   after I applied patchset T to Payables:

   Sol:  You are encountering bug 958217  You can apply patch 958217 for release
   10.7. This will bring you to version 80.24 for report APXINDTL.rdf

   You can apply patch 1002163 for release 11 for version 110.12 of the report
   APXINDTL.rdf.  This fix will also be included in Patchset U for 10.7 and AP
   Mini-Pack E for release 11.

10. Prob: What articles, white papers, or manuals should I read for more
    information on Payables report issues?

     Payables User's Guide release 10.7
     Payables User's Guide release 11
     Payables User's Guide release 11i
     Common 1099 Alignment Issues. 
     Payable Printing FAQ.  Note 110408.1

     Note:  Users Guides can be found on MetaLink in the associated product's
     Self-Service Toolkit Documentation link

11. Prob: What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for Payables
    report issues on MetaLink?

    Sol: Use the short name of your report along with the any of the following
    key words:  alignment, printer, style, APXPBFEG for check printing,
    APXT7F99 for 1099 forms, APXRTB for Trial Balance.

12. Prob: The problems and solutions listed in this guide do not answer my question.

    Sol: If the Troubleshooting Guide for Payables reports does not answer your
    question, please log an iTAR.  Make sure to include the information you
    gathered from the Troubleshooting guide as this will assist the resolution
    time of your iTAR.