Defining Bank Accounts Errors KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber


Query an existing bank account. Receive error navigating to Account Controls in Update Account
The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =
Due to the error, the Cash, Cash Clearing and other accounts could not be updated.


The Bank Account Owner was not assigned to the ledger.
Cash Management takes the Key Flex Field Definition from ledger to which selected legal entity (bank account owner) has been assigned. Since Legal Entity is not assigned to a ledger, Cash Management could not derive the key flexfield.


In Step 1 of the Update Account process, note down the Bank Account Owner.
Go to Payables Responsibility. Navigate to Setup/Accounting Setups/Ledger setup/Define/Accounting Setups.
Query the ledger.
Click on Update Accounting Options.
Check if the Bank Account Owner is listed in the legal entity.
If not add the legal entity which is the owner of the bank account to the ledger using "Add Legal Entity" button.
Retest the Update Account process.

The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =


1. The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system
administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =

2. The key flexfield with application name Receivables (AR), name Territory Flexfield (CT#), and structure Customer Territory Flexfield (CUSTOMER_TERRITORY_FLEXFIELD) is not frozen. Please contact your system administrator.

Steps to Reproduce:
Responsibility: AR Super User responsibility

Navigation: Customers > Customers
1.        Query a Customer
2.        Click Account
3.        Click Account Details
4.        Click on Site Details
5.        Click on Business Purposes, select Ship To and click Details. The error is received.

This is a setup issue. The error is due to the Key Flexfield for Customer Territory Flexfield is not frozen.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Flexfield > Key > Segments
1.        Query for Flexfield Title = Territory Flexfield
2.        Check the 'Freeze Flexfield Definition' checkbox
3.        Save.
4.        Retest the issue.

Notes document to HTML Excel sheet - Exporting data - web form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet and show it in html form of excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 On Error Goto GenErr
 Print  "content-type: Application/msexcel"
 Print  "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Report1.xls"
 Print "<html>"
 Print "<table border=0>"
 Print "<tr><td colspan=5><center>"
 Print "<b><span id='RptHead'> Report For Test</span></b>"
 Print "</center></td></tr>"
 Print "</table>"

 Dim LOSession As New NotesSession
 Dim LOVw As NotesView
 Dim LODb As NotesDatabase
 Dim LODoc As notesdocument
 Dim LTDate As String
 Dim LVNo As Variant
 Set LODoc = LOSession.DocumentContext

 Set LODb=LOSession.CurrentDatabase
 Set LOVw = LODb.GetView( "vwExcel" )
 Set LODoc = LOVw.GetFirstDocument

 Print "<table border=2 bordercolor=Black>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "<td>Sl No </td>"
 Print "<td> Initiators</td>"
 Print "<td>KLID </td>"
 Print "<td>SBU </td>"

 Print "<td>Project Short Name </td>"
 Print "<td>Product Group </td>"
 Print "<td>Product </td>"
 Print "<td>Function </td>"
 Print "<td>LOB </td>"
 Print "<td>Rating by Experts </td>"
 Print "<td>Project Manager </td>"
 Print "<td>Proposal Manager </td>"

 Print "<td>Process Area </td>"
 Print "<td>Process Item </td>"
 Print "<td>Key Learning Title</td>"
 Print "<td>Problem Description </td>"
 Print "<td>Analysis </td>"
 Print "<td>Solution Adopted </td>"
 Print "<td>Learnings </td>"
 Print "<td>Implication </td>"
 Print "<td>DO's  List</td>"
 Print "<td>DONOT's List </td>"
 Print "<td>References </td>"

 Print "<td>Approver </td>"
 Print "<td>Comments </td>"

 Print "</tr>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "</tr>"

 While Not ( LODoc Is Nothing )
  Print "<tr>"
  Dim LVTemp As Variant
  Print "<td>" & j &"</td>"
  For  i=0 To 23
   'LVTemp =  LODoc.ColumnValues( i )
   'Msgbox LVTemp
   'Print "<td>" & LVTemp & "</td>"
   Print "<td>" & LODoc.ColumnValues( i ) & "</td>"
  Print "</tr>"
  Set  LODoc = LOVw.GetNextDocument(  LODoc )

 Print "</table>"
 Exit Sub
 Msgbox "Error on SaveKtips agent , Error On line " & Erl & " Error is " & Error & " Err is " & Err
 Exit Sub

End Sub

Notes document to Excel sheet - Exporting data - client form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 Dim ws As New Notesuiworkspace
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim view As NotesView
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim doc As notesdocument
 Dim psno,mth,yr,filename As String

 Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
 Set view = db.GetView( "Vashi_emp" )
 Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument

 CreateExcelObject = True
 Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 If xlApp Is Nothing Then
  sMessage = "Could not create spreadsheet." & Chr$( 10 ) & _
  "Make sure Excel is installed on this computer."
  Msgbox sMessage, 16, "Creation of Spreadsheet Object Failed"
  CreateExcelObject = False

 End If
 xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
 Set xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
 Set xlSheet=xlworkbook.ActiveSheet

 xlapp.visible = True
 Title = " Attendance Report"
 col = 1

 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print row
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print col
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"

 grow  = row+3
 Print grow
 row = grow
 col = 1

 While Not ( doc Is Nothing )

  Dim currentProduct As Variant
  For  i=0 To 8
   currentProduct = doc.ColumnValues( i )
  Set doc = view.GetNextDocument( doc )

End Sub

Excel sheet to notes Document - Importing Data

Importing excel sheet information into individual documents in LN client application:

Sub Initialize

Dim xlFilename As String
'xlFilename = "C:\Documents and Settings\ggouda\My Documents\EMP_WRS_DETAIL.xls"

'// This is the name of the Excel file that will be imported

xlFilename=Inputbox("Please enter path of the spreadsheet - Example: C:\Excel.xls" & Chr(10) &_
" C:\spreadsheet.xls", "File Path Inquiry Box", " enter path here ....")

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
Dim One As String

Dim row As Integer
Dim written As Integer

'// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.
Dim Excel As Variant
Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
Dim xlSheet As Variant
Print "Connecting to Excel..."
Set Excel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.9" )
Excel.Visible = False '// Don't display the Excel window
Print "Opening " & xlFilename & "..."
Excel.Workbooks.Open xlFilename '// Open the Excel file
Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet

'// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes
Goto Records
Print "Disconnecting from Excel..."
xlWorkbook.Close False '// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)
Excel.Quit '// Close Excel
Set Excel = Nothing '// Free the memory
Print " " '// Clear the status line

row = 1 '// Integers intialize to zero
written = 0

Print "Starting import from Excel file..."
Do While True

With xlSheet
row = row + 1
Set view = db.GetView("Import")
Set doc = db.CreateDocument '// Create a new doc
doc.Form = "Person"

doc.Employee_ID = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value
doc.Prj_Cost_Centre= .Cells(row, 2 ).Value
doc.WRS_Number= .Cells(row, 3).Value
doc.Proj_Title = .Cells( row, 4 ).Value
doc.Project_Location = .Cells(row, 7).Value
doc.Dispatcher = .Cells( row, 8).Value
doc.Project_manager = .Cells(row, 9).Value
doc.Wk_Ending = .Cells( row, 10).Value
doc.Employee_DOJ = .Cells( row, 11).Value
doc.Employee_Name = .Cells( row, 12).Value
doc.Employee_Role = .Cells( row, 13).Value
doc.ST_Hrs = .Cells( row, 14).Value
doc.OT_Hrs = .Cells( row, 15).Value
doc.Total_Hrs = .Cells( row, 16).Value
doc.Misc_Exp = .Cells( row, 17).Value
doc.Travel = .Cells( row, 18).Value
doc.Total_Bill = .Cells( row, 19).Value

Call doc.Save( True, True ) '// Save the new doc
written = written + 1
Print Str(written)
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = "" Then
Goto Done
End If
End With

Messagebox "Import Complete - Total number of WRS documents imported ---> " & written

End Sub

Function to catch Enter key press

Function to Catch Enter Key press and accordingly perform the required task:

function catchEnter(){
        if(window.event.keyCode == 13){

Validation date and number through regular expression

Validation of number through regular expression:

function validateNumber( f ) {
        var regex = new RegExp();
        //regex = /^\d+$/;
        regex = /(^-?\d\d*\.\d*$)|(^-?\d\d*$)|(^-?\.\d\d*$)/
        if ( regex.test( f.value ) ) {
        } else {
                alert("Please enter a number value");
                f.value = "";

Validation of date through regular expression:

function CheckDate(dateV)
        var dateStr = dateV.value;
        if(dateStr=="tbd" || dateStr=="TBD"){
        isValidDate(dateV, dateStr);

function isValidDate(dateV, dateStr)
        var datePat = /^(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{2}|\d{4})$/;
        var matchArray = dateStr.match(datePat);  
        if (matchArray == null) {
                alert("Date is not in a valid format.")
        month = matchArray[1]; // parse date into variables
        day = matchArray[3];
        year = matchArray[4];
        if (month < 1 || month > 12) {  
                alert("Month must be between 1 and 12.");
        if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
                        alert("Day must be between 1 and 31.");
        if ((month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) && day==31) {
                alert("Month "+month+" doesn't have 31 days!");
        if (month == 2) {
                var isleap = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0));
                if (day>29 || (day==29 && !isleap)) {
                        alert("February " + year + " doesn't have " + day + " days!");
                        return false;

Extracting attachments from web application

Here's a code for extracting attachments/files from documents in LN web application:

Sub Initialize
        On Error Goto errhandle
        Dim session As New NotesSession
        Dim db As notesdatabase
        Dim view As NotesView
        Dim doc As NotesDocument
        Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
        Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
        Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
        Dim tempDirectory, actualDir As String
        Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
        Dim numAtt, count As Integer
'       tempDirectory="O:\\CITC\\ECAS\\GRCE\\"
        Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
        Set view = db.GetView("KBByCategory1")
        numAtt = 0
        cnt = 0
        Dim myNames() As String
        Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
        While Not (doc Is Nothing)
                result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
                nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
                numAtt = result(0)
                If numAtt > 0 Then
                        For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
                                If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
                                        Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
                                        indx = 0
                                        flag = "no"
                                        For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
                                                If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
                                                        indx = indx + 1
                                                        flag = "yes"
                                                End If
                                        If flag = "yes" Then
                                                filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx +       Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)                                                                                                                                        
                                                filename = nameAtt( i )
                                        End If
                                        actualDir = tempDirectory & filename
                                        Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
                                        count = count + 1
                                End If
                End If
                If numAtt > 0 Then             
                        Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
                        For j = 1 To numAtt
                                myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1  )
                        cnt = cnt + numAtt
                End If
                '------------------------------- Response ------------------
                Set collection = doc.Responses
                Set currentResponse = collection.GetFirstDocument
                While Not ( currentResponse Is Nothing )
                        result = Evaluate("@Attachments", currentResponse)
                        nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", currentResponse)
                        numAtt = result(0)
                        If numAtt > 0 Then
                                For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
                                        If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
                                                Set object = currentResponse.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
                                                indx = 0
                                                flag = "no"
                                                For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
                                                        If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
                                                                indx = indx + 1
                                                                flag = "yes"
                                                        End If
                                                If flag = "yes" Then
                                                        filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx +       Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)                                                                                                                                        
                                                        filename = nameAtt( i )
                                                End If
                                                actualDir = tempDirectory & "Responses\\" & filename
                                                Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
                                                count = count + 1                              
                                        End If
                        End If
                        If numAtt > 0 Then
                                Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
                                For j = 1 To numAtt
                                        myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1  )
                                cnt = cnt + numAtt
                        End If
                        Set currentResponse = collection.GetNextDocument( currentResponse )
                Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
        Msgbox cnt
        For i = 1 To 21 Step 1
                Msgbox myNames(i)
        Msgbox count
        Exit Sub
        Messagebox " Error line: " & Erl() & " error : " & Err() & " err() : " & Err()
End Sub

Accounts Payable Interview Questions In R12

1.Explain about Accounts Payable.
Ans)The Accounts Payable application component records and manages accounting data for all
vendors. It is also an integral part of the purchasing system: Deliveries and invoices are
managed according to vendors. The system automatically triggers postings in response to the
operative transactions. In the same way, the system supplies the Cash Management application
component with figures from invoices in order to optimize liquidity planning.

2.What is the meaning of invoice?
Ans)An invoice or bill is a commercial document issued by a seller to the buyer, indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the buyer. An invoice indicates the buyer must pay the seller, according to the payment terms.

In the rental industry, an invoice must include a specific reference to the duration of the time being billed, so rather than quantity, price and discount the invoicing amount is based on quantity, price, discount and duration. Generally speaking each line of a rental invoice will refer to the actual hours, days, weeks, months etc being billed.

3) Can you give a sample Process Flow for Procure to Pay Cycle?

Ans) Process flow for Procure to pay will go through two departments
(Commercial & Finance)
Procure - Commercial Department The following steps invovle to prcure any item
1. Received Requsition from concern Department
2. Request for Quotation from Suppliers at least three
3. Finalize the best Quotation by keeping in mind about our companies standard
4. Check the Budget for the same
5. Negociate with supplier for more economic pricing and finalize the payment terms
6. Process the PO and forward to the supplier to supply the goods and services 

Pay Cycle - Finance Department
The following steps need to be fulfil
1. Invoice should be match with PO
2. Invoice should has all the supporting documents such as PO copy,Delivery note duly signed by reciever (our staff who authorized to received goods / store keeper)
3. If the invoice is for services then it should be forwarded to the concern department head or project manager for his confirmation of work done and his approval
4. Even if it not the services invoice, it should forwarded to the concern person's approval who request the PO for the same
5. Finance can reject the invoice if it is not budgeted and ask for the reasons.
6. After receiving all the confirmation and approvals from the concern department heads the invoice will be update in to the accounting system first in order to avoid any duplication of Invoice and PO (it shown on accounting package if the invoice is duplicate if not, altelast it tells you if the PO already used or cancel)
7. Finance approved the invoice and process the payment base on payment terms with the supplier.

4)What are the journals entries in Procure to Pay Cycle.

Description                                                                             DR                                  CR

A) Po creation                                                                    No Entry                          No Entry

B)  While Receiving the goods                                       Material Receiving            Ap Accurval 

C) While Inspection                                                        No Entry                            No Entry 

D) While Trans ford the good to Inventory               Inv Org Material              Material Receiving
                                                                                     Purchase price Varience

F) While Po Is Matching to Invoices                         Ap Accurval                        Liability

G) While Making the Payment                                 Liability                               Cash Clearing 

 H) Ofter Reconciliation                                           Cash Clearing                     Cash

 I) Final Entry                                                            Inv Org Material                Cash

5)What is the difference between EFT & Wire?
Ans)EFT and WIRE are the most popular form of electronic payment method. EFT stands for electronic fund transfer and it is one of the fastest mode of electronic payment after WIRE. EFT is a batch oriented mechanism for transfering funds from one bank to another because of which clearing & settlement takes around 2 to 4 days. On the other hand, WIRE is a RTGS i.e. real time gross settlement system of making the fund transfer on real time and gross basis. Clearing and settlement happens on the same day. WIRE is more expensive and faster than EFT.  

6) What is meant by Distribution Sets:

Ans)You can use a Distribution Set to automatically enter distributions for an invoice when you are not matching it to a purchase order. For example, you can create for an advertising supplier a Distribution Set that allocates advertising expense on an invoice to four advertising departments.
You can assign a default Distribution Set to a supplier site so Payables will use it for every invoice you enter for that supplier site. If you do not assign a default Distribution Set to a supplier site, you can always assign a Distribution Set to an invoice when you enter it.

Use Full Distribution Sets to create distributions with set percentage amounts, or use Skeleton Distribution Sets to create distributions with no set distribution amounts. For example, a Full Distribution Set for a rent invoice assigns 70% of the invoice amount to the Sales facility expense account and 30% to the Administration facility expense account. A Skeleton Distribution Set for the same invoice would create one distribution for the Sales facility expense account and one distribution for the Administration facility expense account, leaving the amounts zero. You could then enter amounts during invoice entry depending on variables such as that month's headcount for each group.

7)What is the meaning of GRN?

GRN contains the following details.

1.Ordered quantity .
2.Received Quantity.
3.Defective quantity in received quantity .
4.Quality standards details.

8) How does the payment mechanism work?
Ans) The open items of an account can only be cleared once you post an identical offsetting amount to the account. In other words, the balance of the items assigned to each other must equal zero.During clearing, the system enters a clearing document number and the clearing date in these items. In this way, invoices in a vendor account are indicated as paid, and items in a bank clearing account are indicated as cleared.

You generally use the payment program to clear invoices. Manual clearing of open items is therefore not usually necessary. However, you will sometimes have to clear items manually if, for example, you receive a refund from your vendor or you have set up a direct debit procedure.

9) Difference between interface tables and base tables?
Ans)   The difference between the interface and base tables is as below

Interface table: is the table where the data gets validated before data get posted to the base tables. There are many interfaces which are seeded with Oracle. You can consider as the entry point of the data, and the interface checks the sanity of data.

Base tables: As told earlier once the data is validated will get updated in the base tables, and is considered as the data which is in the base table is accurate and used in many ways. (Reporting..etc..)

The base tables in AP are as follows:

1) ap_invoices_all

2) ap_invoice_payments_all

3) ap_invoice_distibutions_All

4) ap_payment_schdules

5) ap_payment_dustributions_all

6) ap_checks_all

7) ap_accounting_events_all

8) ap_bank_accounts_all

9) ap_bank_accounts_uses_all


10) What is the process of creating an Invoices and transferring it to GL?

 1. create batch
2. create invoice
3. create distribution
4. validate the invoice
5. actions -à approve
6. if individual create accounting click ok
7. If batch go to batch create accounting.
8. Create accounting hits Payable Accounting(Transfer) ??Program which will create accounting.
9. Run Transfer to GL Concurrent Program
10. Journal Import
11. Post journals
12. Hits balances.

11) How do u Transfer from AP to GL?
Ans)“Payables transfer to GL program” is used to transfer from AP to GL.

12) How many types of invoices are there in AP.
1. Standarad invoice 
2. Debit Memo
3. Credit Memo
4. Mixed Invoice
5. Retain age Invoice
6. Transportation invoice
7. Prepayment invoice
8. Expenses Report Invoice
9. Payment Request Invoice
10. Po default

13) How many types of purchase order types/agreements are there?

A) Standard Purchase Order: You generally create standard purchase orders for one-time purchase of various items. You create standard purchase orders when you know the details of the goods or services you require, estimated costs, quantities, delivery schedules, and accounting distributions. If you use encumbrance accounting, the purchase order may be encumbered since the required information is known

B) Planned PO : A planned purchase order is a long-term agreement committing to buy it
items or services from a single source. You must specify tentative delivery schedules and all details for goods or services that you want to buy, including charge account, quantities and estimated cost.
EX: Buying goods for Christmas from a specific dealer.

C) Contract PO : You create contract purchase agreement with your supplier to agree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing i.e. for $ amount you must supply this much quantity. You can later issue standard PO referencing your contracts and you can encumber these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.

D) Blanket PO : You create blanket purchase agreements when you know the detail of goods or services you plan to buy from a specific supplier in a period , but you do not yet know the detail of your delivery schedules. You can use blanket purchase agreements to specify negotiated prices for your items before actually purchasing them.
A Blanket Purchase Agreement is a sort of contract between the you and ur supplier about the price at which you will purchase the items from the supplier in future. Here you enter the price of the item not the quantity of the items. When you create the release you enter the quantity of the items. The price is not updatable in the release. The quantity * price makes the Released Amount. Now suppose your contract with your supplier is such that you can only purchase the items worth a fixed amount against the contract.

14.Payment Method:

A funds disbursement payment method is a medium by which the first party payer, or deploying company, makes a payment to a third party payee, such as a supplier. You can use a payment method to pay one or more suppliers. Oracle Payments supports several payment methods for funds disbursement, including the following:

  • Check
  • Electronic
  • wire
  • Clearing

You can pay with a manual payment, a Quick payment, or in a payment batch.


Electronic An electronic funds transfer to the bank of a supplier.You create electronic payments either through the e- Commerce Gateway, or by delivering a payment batch file to your bank. For both methods, Payables creates a file during payment batch creation. If you are using the e-Commerce Gateway to create the file of payments, an EDI translator is required to create the EDI Formatted file prior to delivering it to your bank.For electronic funds transfers, the file is formatted and delivered to your ap.out directory for delivery to your bank.


Wire Funds transfer initiated be contacting the bank and requesting wire payment to the bank of a suplier.A payment method where you pay invoices outside of Payables by notifying your bank that you want to debit your account and credit your supplier’s account with appropriate funds. You provide your bank with your supplier’s bank information, and your bank sends you confirmation of your transaction. Your supplier’s bank sends your supplier confirmation of the payment. You then record the transaction manually.


Clearing Payment for invoices transferred from another entity within the company without creating a payment document.Payment method you use to account for intercompany expenses when you do not actually disburse funds through banks. You do not generate a payment document with the Clearing payment method. When you enter the invoice, you enter Clearing for the payment method.You can record a Clearing payment using a Manual type payment only. 

15.What id recurring invoices? What are AP setup steps? 
Ans) some times suppliers would not be sending any invoices. but still the payment have to made to home: rent, lease rentals. in this situation we have to create invoice every period wise. For that purpose we have to create one recurring invoice template. Template means with one master copy creating the multiple invoices is called template. Here we are creating the one invoice master copy is formally known as recurring invoice or recurring invoice template.

 1)we have to create one special calendar 
2)we have to create one full distribution set 
3)we have to enter payment terms in the recurring invoice window 
4)enter the template no, first invoice amount, special invoice amounts