Notes document to HTML Excel sheet - Exporting data - web form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet and show it in html form of excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 On Error Goto GenErr
 Print  "content-type: Application/msexcel"
 Print  "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Report1.xls"
 Print "<html>"
 Print "<table border=0>"
 Print "<tr><td colspan=5><center>"
 Print "<b><span id='RptHead'> Report For Test</span></b>"
 Print "</center></td></tr>"
 Print "</table>"

 Dim LOSession As New NotesSession
 Dim LOVw As NotesView
 Dim LODb As NotesDatabase
 Dim LODoc As notesdocument
 Dim LTDate As String
 Dim LVNo As Variant
 Set LODoc = LOSession.DocumentContext

 Set LODb=LOSession.CurrentDatabase
 Set LOVw = LODb.GetView( "vwExcel" )
 Set LODoc = LOVw.GetFirstDocument

 Print "<table border=2 bordercolor=Black>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "<td>Sl No </td>"
 Print "<td> Initiators</td>"
 Print "<td>KLID </td>"
 Print "<td>SBU </td>"

 Print "<td>Project Short Name </td>"
 Print "<td>Product Group </td>"
 Print "<td>Product </td>"
 Print "<td>Function </td>"
 Print "<td>LOB </td>"
 Print "<td>Rating by Experts </td>"
 Print "<td>Project Manager </td>"
 Print "<td>Proposal Manager </td>"

 Print "<td>Process Area </td>"
 Print "<td>Process Item </td>"
 Print "<td>Key Learning Title</td>"
 Print "<td>Problem Description </td>"
 Print "<td>Analysis </td>"
 Print "<td>Solution Adopted </td>"
 Print "<td>Learnings </td>"
 Print "<td>Implication </td>"
 Print "<td>DO's  List</td>"
 Print "<td>DONOT's List </td>"
 Print "<td>References </td>"

 Print "<td>Approver </td>"
 Print "<td>Comments </td>"

 Print "</tr>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "</tr>"

 While Not ( LODoc Is Nothing )
  Print "<tr>"
  Dim LVTemp As Variant
  Print "<td>" & j &"</td>"
  For  i=0 To 23
   'LVTemp =  LODoc.ColumnValues( i )
   'Msgbox LVTemp
   'Print "<td>" & LVTemp & "</td>"
   Print "<td>" & LODoc.ColumnValues( i ) & "</td>"
  Print "</tr>"
  Set  LODoc = LOVw.GetNextDocument(  LODoc )

 Print "</table>"
 Exit Sub
 Msgbox "Error on SaveKtips agent , Error On line " & Erl & " Error is " & Error & " Err is " & Err
 Exit Sub

End Sub