11i Payment Documents Do not Exist in R12--How to create the payment documents from 11i data

 Custom Payment Document.

Payment documents that existed in 11i (in table AP_CHECK_STOCKS_ALL) do not exist after the R12 upgrade ( table affected: CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS). 

There are two reasons.

1) These payment documents (ap_checks_stocks_all) had custom payment formats assigned to them in 11i. During the upgrade, custom payment formats were not upgraded to IBY_FORMATS_B. So when the CE upgrade script cebuinst.sql was run to create ce_payment_documents from ap_check_stocks_all, only those payment documents that had formats that existed in IBY_FORMATS_B were upgraded. Hence these payment documents do not exist in R12 CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS table.
The document below provides solution for this issue.

2) The other reason is upgrade did not bring in payment documents related to payment method WIRE or ELECTRONIC.  This is fixed in bug 12794944. To fix this for future upgrade, apply Patch:12651338. For existing upgraded instance, log a SR for datafix.


To create the records in CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS, the custom format should be created in R12. Do the following:

1. Create corresponding rtf template for the custom rdf format in ap_check_formats that was used in 11i.

From Payables responsibility, navigate to Setup/Payments/Payment Administrator
Payments Setup/Formats/XML Publisher Format Templates
Click on Create Template

2. Register the rtf template in Xml Publisher using XDO administrator resp

3. Define Payment Format (corresponding to ap_payment_program) in Oracle Payments.

From Payables responsibility, navigate to Setup/Payments/Payment Administrator
Payments Steup/Formats/Formats
Select Type: Disbursement Payment Instruction
Click on Create
Enter details and save.
This should create a record in IBY_FORMATS_B

4. Associate this new rtf template to the format.

5. Using sqlplus, associate the IBY_FORMATS_B with ap payment program via reference_format_code column.

To determine the ap Payment Program name to associate with the new IBY format created, do the following.

a) Determine the format payment program used by the 11i format.
Select format_payments_program_id
from ap_check_formats
where name = '&11i format name';
Note down the result.

Select format_payments_program_id
from ap_check_formats
where name = 'Long Check Format'

b) Determine the program name relevant to this program id.
 select  program_name from ap_payment_programs
    where program_id = &id; ---> Id returned in previous sql.

select program_name from ap_payment_programs
where program_id = 10002;

c) Now associate this short program_name to the R12 IBY format created in step 3.

SET Reference_format_code = '<ap program name>'
WHERE format_code = '<Format_Code of Format created using IBY UI in step 3>'
and reference_format_code is null;

SET Reference_format_code = 'APXPBFEG'
WHERE format_code = '<Format_Code of Format created using IBY UI in step 3>'
and reference_format_code is null;

6. Execute the upgrade script ibypaydocupg.sql in Patch:6677057:R12.IBY.A
to create payment documents in CE_PAYMENT_DOCUMENTS table.
For 12.1, please use Patch:8942413:R12.IBY.B

Note: Documentation Bug:6748050 has been logged to include this information in the implementation guide. This bug is not visible via Metalink.

What is meant by Grouping Rule in Auto Invoice

Grouping Rule:

Define grouping rules that AutoInvoice will use to group revenue and credit transactions into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. Grouping rules specify attributes that must be identical for lines to appear on the same transaction.

Grouping rules include mandatory attributes which are always included in all grouping rules, and optional attributes which may be included in a grouping rule. Optional attributes may be added to the mandatory attributes to create new grouping rules. To be included in a group a transaction must always match on all of the mandatory attributes as well as on all of the optional attributes included in a grouping rule. For complete lists of the mandatory attributes and the optional attributes see the section titled "Using Grouping Rules to Create Transactions" in the Transactions chapter. All attributes of the Transaction Flexfield are optional within a grouping rule, and you can assign these attributes as optional grouping characteristics in the Grouping Rules window.

In the diagram below, the grouping rule specifies that to appear on the same invoice items must match on all of the mandatory attributes, for example currency (CURRENCY_CODE) and bill-to address (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID) and must also match on the optional attribute of order type (SALES_ORDER_SOURCE). For example, in the diagram, assume that all mandatory attributes match other than currency and bill-to address. Items A and B share the same currency and order type, so they appear on the same invoice (Invoice 1). Item C has the same currency as A and B, but it has a different order type, so it appears on its own invoice (Invoice 2). Items D and E share the same currency and Order Type, so they appear on the same invoice (Invoice 3).

Using Grouping Rules

What is meant by Deferred COGS in R12

The deferred COGS of goods account is the new feature introduced in Release 12. The basic fundamental behind the enhancement is that the COGS is now directly matched to the Revenue. The same was not possible till now.

Prior to this enhancement, the value of goods shipped from inventory were expensed to COGS upon ship confirm, despite the fact that revenue may not yet have been earned on that shipment. With this enhancement, the value of goods shipped from inventory will be put in a Deferred COGS account. As percentages of Revenue are recognized, a matching percentage of the value of goods shipped from inventory will be moved from the Deferred COGS account to the COGS account, thus synchronizing
the recognition of revenue and COGS in accordance with the recommendations of generally accepted accounting principles.

The Matching Principle is a fundamental accounting directive that mandates that revenue and its associated cost of goods sold must be recognized in the same accounting period. This enhancement will automate the matching of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for a sales order line to the revenue that is billed for that sales order line.

The deferral of COGS applies to sales orders of both non-configurable and configurable items (Pick-To-Order and Assemble-To-Order). It applies to sales orders from the customer facing operating units in the case of drop shipments when the new accounting flow introduced in 11.5.10 is used. And finally, it also applies to RMAs that references a sales order whose COGS was deferred. Such RMAs will be accounted using the original sales order cost in such a way that it will maintain the latest known COGS recognition percentage.

To set the deferrred COGS account.

Inventory -- Setup -- Organization -- Parameters -- Other Accounts
A new account is added which is referred as the Deffered COGS accounts.


Release 12 :

When a Sales order is shipped the following accounting takes place:

Inventory Valuation Account : Credit.
Deferred COGS account : Debit

Once the revenue is recognised, you would need to decide the percentage you wish to recognize the Revenue. A COGS recognition transaction will be created to reflect a change in the revenue recognition percentage for a sales order line.

The steps to generate such transactions are as follows:
1. Run the Collect Revenue Recognition Information program. This program will collect the change in revenue recognition percentage based on AR events within the user specified date range.
2. Run the Generate COGS Recognition Events. This program will create the COGS recognition transaction for each sales order line where there is a mismatch between the latest revenue recognition percentage and the current COGS recognition percentage.

Note that users can choose how often they want to create the COGS Recognition Events.

Navigation to run the COGS recognition request :
- Cost > COGS Recognition > Collect Revenue Recognition Information
- Cost > COGS Recognition > Generate COGS Recognition Events
- Cost > View Transactions > Material Transactions

The distribution for the COGS Recognition transaction associated with the Sales Order transaction now would be as follows:

Deffered COGS : Debit y revenue percentage
COGS : Credit (Actual revenue percentage )

Thus, essentially the recognized COGS balance is to move the value from Deferred COGS to COGS.

This particular COGS recognition transaction actually correspond to a revenue recognition percentage change.

You can view the transactions as :
- Cost > View Transactions > Material Transactions > Distributions

A new COGS Revenue Matching Report shows the revenue and COGS information of sales order that fall within the user specified date range by sales order line

SIMPLER TERMS ( Table level details ) :

Once the whole cycle is complete we will have 2 transactions lines in mtl_material_transactions.

1. Sales Order
2. COGS Recognition transaction

Accounting will be in mtl_transaction_accounts and the Subledger accounting tables as follows:

Transaction 1:
Inventory Valuation Account : Credit. (item_cost)
Deferred COGS account : Debit (item_cost)

Transaction 2:
Deffered COGS : Credit (Actual revenue percentage)
COGS : Debit (Actual revenue percentage )

What are the Mandatory Setups For Payables

Mandatory setups for Payables :

The following are the mandatory setups for payables.

1. Define Financial Options.
2. Define Payment terms.
3. Define Payment Methods.
4. Define Payment Formate.
5. Define Pay Group.
6. Define Supplier.
7. Define Banks.
8. Define Distribution Sets (Optional).

1. Define Financial Options.

Use the Financials Options window to define the options and defaults that you use for your Oracle Financial Application(s). Values you enter in this window are shared by Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Assets. You can define defaults in this window to simplify supplier entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice entry, and automatic payments. Depending on your application, you may not be required to enter all fields.
Although you only need to define these options and defaults once, you can update them at any time. If you change an option and it is used as a default value elsewhere in the system, it will only be used as a default for subsequent transactions. For example, if you change the Payment Terms from Immediate to Net 30, Net 30 will be used as a default for any new suppliers you enter, but the change will not affect the Payment Terms of existing suppliers.

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Options --> Financial.

 Click on New button.

Accounting Tab:

You are required to enter defaults for the Accounting Financials Options in the Accounting region. 

Accounts Like:

Liability, Prepayment, Discount Taken. 

Supplier-Purchasing Tab:

If you do not also have Oracle Purchasing installed, you do not need to enter defaults in the Supplier- Purchasing region.

 Encumbrance Tab:

If you do not use encumbrance accounting or budgetary control, you do not need to enter defaults in the Encumbrance region.

Tax Tab:

If your enterprise does not need to record a VAT registration number, you don't need to enter defaults in the Tax region.

Human Resources Tab:

If you do not have Oracle Human Resources installed, you are not required to enter defaults in the Human Resources region.

2. Define Payment terms.

We define payment terms that you can assign to an invoice to automatically create scheduled payments when you submit Payables Invoice Validation for the invoice. You can define payment terms to create multiple scheduled payment lines and multiple levels of discounts. You can create an unlimited number of payment terms.

Payment terms have one or more payment terms lines, each of which creates one scheduled payment. Each payment terms line and each corresponding scheduled payment has a due date or a discount date based on one of the following:
  • a specific day of a month, such as the 15th of the month
  • a specific date, for example, March 15, 2002
  • a number of days added to your terms date, such as 14 days after the terms date
  • a special calendar that specifies a due date for the period that includes the invoice terms date. Only due dates can be based on a special calendar. Discount dates cannot be based on a special calendar.
Each payment terms line also defines the due or discount amount on a scheduled payment. When you define payment terms, you specify payment amounts either by percentages or by fixed amounts.

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Invoice --> Payment terms.

To define payment terms
  1. In the Payment Terms window, enter a unique payment term Name and a Description. These will appear on a list of values whenever you select payment terms.
  2. If you enter Day of Month terms, enter a Cut-off Day.
  3. If you enable Automatic Interest Calculation using the Interest Payables Options, enter a unique value in the Rank field.
  4. If you want to make this payment term invalid on and after a certain date, enter that date in the To field of the Effective Dates region.
  5. Enter each payment terms line.
    Enter one of the following to determine the portion of an invoice due on the scheduled payment:
    • % Due
    • Amount
    In the Due tab, enter one of the following to determine the due date on the scheduled payment line:
    • Calendar
    • Fixed Date
    • Days
    • Day of Month, and Months Ahead
  6. If you use discount terms, define payment terms lines in the First Discount , Second Discount, and Third Discount tabs. Define your discounts so that the first discount has an earlier discount date than the second and so on. You can realize only one discount on a payment terms line.
    Note: You cannot use a special calendar to define discount terms.
    Enter one of the following to determine the portion of the invoice to discount on the scheduled payment:
    • % Discount
    • Amount
    In the Discount tabs, enter the discount percent.
    Enter one of the following to determine the due date on the scheduled payment line:
    • Due Days
    • Day of Month, and Months Ahead


3. Define Payment Method:

A funds disbursement payment method is a medium by which the first party payer, or deploying company, makes a payment to a third party payee, such as a supplier. You can use a payment method to pay one or more suppliers. Oracle Payments supports several payment methods for funds disbursement, including the following:

  • Check
  • Electronic
  • wire
  • Clearing

You can pay with a manual payment, a Quick payment, or in a payment batch.


Electronic An electronic funds transfer to the bank of a supplier.You create electronic payments either through the e- Commerce Gateway, or by delivering a payment batch file to your bank. For both methods, Payables creates a file during payment batch creation. If you are using the e-Commerce Gateway to create the file of payments, an EDI translator is required to create the EDI Formatted file prior to delivering it to your bank.For electronic funds transfers, the file is formatted and delivered to your ap.out directory for delivery to your bank.


Wire Funds transfer initiated be contacting the bank and requesting wire payment to the bank of a suplier.A payment method where you pay invoices outside of Payables by notifying your bank that you want to debit your account and credit your supplier’s account with appropriate funds. You provide your bank with your supplier’s bank information, and your bank sends you confirmation of your transaction. Your supplier’s bank sends your supplier confirmation of the payment. You then record the transaction manually.


Clearing Payment for invoices transferred from another entity within the company without creating a payment document.Payment method you use to account for intercompany expenses when you do not actually disburse funds through banks. You do not generate a payment document with the Clearing payment method. When you enter the invoice, you enter Clearing for the payment method.You can record a Clearing payment using a Manual type payment only.

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Payment --> Payment Administrator.

Click on Go To Task.

 Click on Create button.

Enter the Payment Method name and code and then click on Next.

 Select the respective responsibilities which we want shown this payment method in these responsibilities.

Click on Next, Next, Finsh.

IExpenses Setups In R12

I Expenses:

iExpenses is basically an extension Oracle Payables. Employee and Contingent Worker expense reports become supplier invoices and get paid from Payables. You will need following responsibilties to set up Internet Expenses: Payables Manager, Internet Expenses Setup and Administration, System Administration, Application Developer, and AX Developer. If you are also planning on charging expense reports to projects, you will also need Project Billing Super User and General Ledger Super User responsibilities. You will also need access to Oracle Workflow Builder to customize the Expenses workflow and Project Expense Reports Account Generator.

Setups for IExpenses : 

1.Define MOAC
2.Define Job
3.Define Position.
4.Define Employee.
5.Define Financial Options.
6.Define Expenses Template.
7.Define Payable Options.  
8.Assign Cost Center Flexfiedl qualifier to Department segment or Costcenter segment.
9.Define Signing Limits.
10.Assign Profile Option to IExpenses Responsibility.

 1.Define MOAC

  • Define Responsibilities for GL, AP,PO,HRMS,IEXPENSES
  • Define Business Group.
  • Define Ledger.
  • Define Operating Unit.
  • Define Security Profile.
  • Run Security List Maintenance Program. 
  • Assign Security Profile to Responsibilities. 
  • Run Replicate Seed Data Program.  
2.Define Job

Navigation:HRMS --> Work structures --> Job --> Description.

Click on New button.

Enter the Job Name and Code.


 3.Define Position.

Click on New button. 

Enter Position number and name ,type, Organization,job,and Status of the position.


Note: If you want create more position please follow same as above procedure.

  4.Define Employee.

Navigation: HRMS --> People --> Enter and Maintain.

Click on New. 

 Enter Employee Last name,gender,action and birth date.

Save and click on Assignments. 

 Enter HR Organization name,job name and Position name.


Click left lov button and select the purchase order information.

 Enter the primary ledger name and default expenses account.


5.Define Financial Options.

Use the Financials Options window to define the options and defaults that you use for your Oracle Financial Application(s). Values you enter in this window are shared by Oracle Payables, Oracle Purchasing, and Oracle Assets. You can define defaults in this window to simplify supplier entry, requisition entry, purchase order entry, invoice entry, and automatic payments. Depending on your application, you may not be required to enter all fields.
Although you only need to define these options and defaults once, you can update them at any time. If you change an option and it is used as a default value elsewhere in the system, it will only be used as a default for subsequent transactions. For example, if you change the Payment Terms from Immediate to Net 30, Net 30 will be used as a default for any new suppliers you enter, but the change will not affect the Payment Terms of existing suppliers.

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Options --> Financial.

 Click on New button.

Accounting Tab:

You are required to enter defaults for the Accounting Financials Options in the Accounting region. 

Accounts Like:

Liability, Prepayment, Discount Taken. 

Supplier-Purchasing Tab:

If you do not also have Oracle Purchasing installed, you do not need to enter defaults in the Supplier- Purchasing region.

 Encumbrance Tab:

If you do not use encumbrance accounting or budgetary control, you do not need to enter defaults in the Encumbrance region.

Tax Tab:

If your enterprise does not need to record a VAT registration number, you don't need to enter defaults in the Tax region.

Human Resources Tab:

If you do not have Oracle Human Resources installed, you are not required to enter defaults in the Human Resources region.


 6.Define Expenses Template.

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Invoice --> Expenses Report Templates.

Enter operating unit name,template name and enable the enable for internet expenses. 
And finally enter your expenses.


7.Define Payable Options.  

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Options --> Payable Options.

Click on Find. 


Click on Expense Report Tab. 

Default Template. The default expense report template that you want to use in the Payables Expense Reports window. You can override this value in the Expense Reports window. A default expense report template appears in the Expense Reports window only if the expense report template is active.

Apply Advances. Default value for the Apply Advances option in the Expense Reports window in Payables. If you enable this option, Payables applies advances to employee expense reports if the employee has any outstanding, available advances. You can override this default during expense report entry.
If you use Internet Expenses and you enable this option, then Expense Report Export applies all outstanding, available advances, starting with the oldest, up to the amount of the Internet expense report.

Automatically Create Employee as Supplier. If you enable this option, when you import Payables expense reports, Payables automatically creates a supplier for any expense report where an employee does not already exist as a supplier. If the supplier site you are paying (HOME or OFFICE) does not yet exist, Payables adds the supplier site to an existing supplier. Payables creates a HOME or OFFICE supplier site with the appropriate address, depending on where you are paying the expense report. The Home address is from the PER_ADDRESSES table, and the Office address is from the HR_LOCATIONS table. Payables creates suppliers based on the defaults you select in this region and employee information from the Enter Person window. You can review suppliers and adjust any defaults in the Suppliers window.
If you do not enable this option, enter an employee as a supplier in the Suppliers window and link the Employee Name/Number to the supplier before you use Expense Report Export. Payables cannot export expense reports without corresponding suppliers, and lists them on Export Results page.
Payment Terms. Payment terms you want to assign to any suppliers that you create from employees during Expense Report Export.

Suggestion: Define and assign immediate payment terms for your employee suppliers.
Pay Group. Pay Group you want to assign to any suppliers that you create from employees during Expense Report Export. You can define additional values for Pay Group in the Purchasing Lookups window.
Payment Priority. Payment priority you want to assign to any suppliers that you create from employees during Expense Report Export. A number, between 1 (high) and 99 (low), which represents the priority of payment for a supplier.

Hold Unmatched Expense Reports. This option defaults to the Hold Unmatched Invoices option for the supplier and supplier site for any suppliers Payables creates during Expense Report Export.
When Hold Unmatched Invoices for a supplier site is enabled, Payables requires that you match each invoice for the supplier site to either a purchase order or receipt. If you enable this option for a site, then Payables applies a Matching Required hold to an invoice if it has Item type distributions that are not matched to a purchase order or receipt. Payables applies the hold to the invoice during Invoice Validation. You cannot pay the invoice until you release the hold. You can release this hold by matching the invoice to a purchase order or receipt and resubmitting Invoice Validation, or you can manually release the hold in the Holds tab of the Invoice Workbench. Payables will not apply a hold if the sum of the invoice distributions by accounting code combination is zero.


 8.Assign Cost Center Flexfiedl qualifier to Department segment or Costcenter segment. 

Navigation: Payables --> Setup --> Flexfield --> Key --> Segments.

Query your Coa.

Un Freeze Flexfield Definition and click on segments.

 select Cost Center segment and then click on the Flexfield Qualifiers.

Enable cost center segment. 


 9.Define Signing Limits.

Navigation: Payables --> Employees --> Signing Limits.

 10.Assign Profile Option to IExpenses Responsibility.

Navigation: System Administrator --> Profile --> Systems.

Please set the following Profile options in Site level as well as Responsibility level.