Autoinvoice Setup for R12

1. Define Common Accounts Receivable Configuration

Common Accounts configuration pertains to the Accounting Flexfield setup. This is done in the General Ledger (GL) application. The assumption of this case study is that you have already defined your accounting flexfield segments, and can create and complete manual transactions using the Transaction Workbench.

2. Manage Receivables Descriptive Flexfields

Oracle Receivables uses the transaction flexfields to uniquely identify each transaction line that is imported though AutoInvoice.

AutoInvoice is capable of using information from four types of transaction flexfields:
  • Line Transaction Flexfield
  • Link-to Transaction Flexfield
  • Reference Transaction Flexfield
  • Invoice Transaction Flexfield

For this case study, you need to setup a Line Transaction Flexfield as shown below.

Click on the segments button to create the following rows. The values in the field Column are not shown completely, they are INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 and INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 respectively.

3. Manage Receivables Profile Options


A. Security Profile

There are three profile options which govern access to data partitioned by organizations.

MO: Operating Unit

R11i profile option that will be maintained for those products and customers not leveraging Multiple Organizations.

MO: Security Profile

The MO Security Profile controls the list of operating units that a responsibility can access. So you would assign the Security Profile that you just created to this profile option. The lowest level you can set the profile option for is the responsibility level.

MO: Default Operating Unit

This allows you to specify an operating unit that will be the default when you open different subledger application pages. Because users can access multiple operating units, you may want to set up a default operating unit rather than forcing users to constantly have to choose one during data entry.  When we talk about the User Preferences later, you can also specify a different default operating unit than the one assigned to this profile option. 

B. AR: AutoInvoice Gather Statistics

This profile option determines if the AutoInvoice Master program analyzes and gathers information about the interface tables each time AutoInvoice is run. Analyzing tables ties up system resources, but in some cases may address AutoInvoice performance issues.

If the value for this profile option is set to Yes, or is null, AutoInvoice analyzes the interface tables and gathers statistics. If the value is set to No, AutoInvoice does not analyze the interface tables.

This profile option can be set by the system administrator at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels. The user can also update this profile option.

C. AR: Default Exchange Rate Type

This option determines the default exchange rate to use when converting foreign currency transactions to your functional currency.
Valid values are:
  • Corporate Exchange Rate - An exchange rate you define to standardize rates. This rate is usually a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.
  • Spot Exchange Rate - An exchange rate to perform a conversion based on the rate on a specific date.
  • User Specified Rate - An exchange rate to specify when entering a foreign currency transaction.

D. AR: Maximum Lines per AutoInvoice Worker

This profile option lets you set a maximum number of lines per AutoInvoice worker. The value for this option can be set by the system administrator at the site, application responsibility, and user levels, but cannot be updated by the user. This profile option has no default value.

E. AR: Use Invoice Accounting For Credit Memos

This profile option determines whether to assign your credit memo to the same accounts that are assigned to the invoice you are crediting.

The value for this option can be set by the system administrator at the site, application,responsibility, and user levels, but cannot be updated by the user. 


If you are interfacing data from Project Accounting, you need to set this profile to No at the application level for Oracle Projects. This setting will then allow data to be passed into RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table for Projects Invoices.

F. Sequential Numbering

Sequential Numbering assigns numbers to documents that you create in Oracle financial products. For example, when you are in a window that creates invoices, each invoice document can be numbered sequentially.

Sequential numbering provides a method of checking whether documents have been posted or lost.

Not all windows within an application can be selected to support sequential numbering.

Sequential Numbering has the following profile option settings:
  • Always Used - You may not enter a document if no sequence exists for it.
  • Not Used  - You may always enter a document.
  • Partially Used - You will be warned, but not prevented from entering a document, when no sequence exists.

Only system administrators can change this profile option. Users can see this profile option, but they cannot update it.

This profile option is visible and updatable at the site, application, and responsibility levels. 

4. Manage Transaction Types

The data you insert into the interface table will be associated to a particular transaction type.
Create an invoice transaction type which will be used when we insert data into the Interface table.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types


Note: If you also want to run a test case to import a Credit memo, create a Credit Memo transaction type as shown below, otherwise you don't need to create a Credit Memo transaction type.


5. Manage AutoAccounting Rules

AutoAccounting enables you to create default accounts for revenue, receivable, freight, tax, unearned revenue, unbilled receivable, late charges, bills receivables accounts, and AutoInvoice clearing (suspense) accounts.

In the following screen, the source for the third segment is 'Transaction Types'. When the default accounting is generated for the Receivable account, the accounting flexfield will pull the third segment from the Receivables account defined for the transaction type. If we cross-reference this to the screenshot from the previous task, the value for the third segment is 1210, coming from 01-000-1210-0000-000 defined for Receivables account.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting

During AutoInvoice, you are interfacing data with the intention of creating complete transactions automatically. Hence, you are advised to complete the setup for AutoAccounting so that AutoInvoice can determine the GL accounts to use for your interfaced transactions, and process them completely without errors and without the need for manual intervention.

6. Manage AutoInvoice Line Ordering Rules

If you want the data in your interface table to be created in a particular sort order, define Line Ordering Rules.

The following screenshot shows a Line Ordering Rule, that references the same fields we used in the Line transaction flexfield defined in Task 2 above.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Line Ordering Rules

7. Manage AutoInvoice Grouping Rules

Grouping rules specify attributes that must be identical for lines to be created as one transaction. Grouping rules always include the mandatory attributes, and to this is added optional attributes that you define in your grouping rule.

The following screenshot shows a Grouping Rule that uses the Line Ordering Rule defined in Task 6 above.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Grouping Rules

8. Manage Receivables Payment Terms

Payment terms let you define the due date to be calculated for transactions. When you interface data, it is mandatory to provide either a TERM_ID or a TERM_NAME in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table (depending on how you have set up your transaction batch source). Although there is a defaulting mechanism for payment term when entering transactions manually in the form, this is defaulting is not available during AutoInvoice, because it would significantly slow down the performance of the process.

The following screenshot shows a Payment term we will use in our interface data.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Payment Terms

9. Manage Transaction Sources

Batch sources define default information such as transaction type and automatic numbering. There are two types available: Manual and Imported. AutoInvoice requires a batch of type Imported.

The following screenshot shows a Transaction source we will use to interface data via AutoInvoice. Highlighted below is the transaction type we created earlier, here we are associating it to this Imported Batch Source.

Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Sources

Following screenshots show the sub-tab for the Transaction Sources form:

The AutoInvoice Options tab highlights the Grouping rule created earlier.  The setup indicates this batch will group data as specified in this grouping rule

The following screenshots show the rest of the sub-tabs of this form, including Customer, Accounting, Salescredit and other information. You need to define whether the data you will interface provides the Value or the ID so that AutoInvoice can validate the data.

Customer Information tab:


Accounting Information tab:

Other Information tab:

Sales Credit Validation tab:

10. Manage Receipt Classes and Methods

To default a payment method to the transactions you interface via AutoInvoice, you need to define a Receipt Class and Method for your transaction to use. 
Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes

11. Manage Receivables Customer Profile Classes

Oracle Receivables provides a profile class DEFAULT.

If necessary, you can define different customer profile classes to categorize your customers. You can associate Customer Profile classes to customer records you create later. By using a profile class you default certain attributes/fields into the customer records to make customer maintenance more efficient.

The following screenshot defines a new customer profile class, to which we associate the Payment Term from Task 8 and the grouping rule from Task 7.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Customers > Profile Classes

12. Create Customer

Create customer record to use for interface data, at this point we reference various setup data we created earlier.

The following screenshot shows the various sub-tabs at the ACCOUNT profile level.

On the Account Profile tab, we associate to this customer record the customer profile created in Task 11, the payment term from Task 8 and the Grouping Rule from Task 7 created earlier.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Customers > Customers

Payment Details tab: here we associate to this customer record the Receipt method created in Task 10.
We have defined the Receipt method at the ACCOUNT level profile. If this customer has only one site, or all the Sites of this customer will use the same Receipt method, there is no need to set up Payment Details at the Site Level.


However, if there will be multiple sites for this account, and each site that uses a Receipt method different from that set at the ACCOUNT level, then you will need to set up the Payment Details at the SITE level as shown below.

13. Manage Receivables System Options

The settings in System Options that impact AutoInvoice are in the Trans and Customers tab. The following screenshot shows recommended settings for fields in the 'AutoInvoice' Section. Also highlighted is the Grouping rule we defined earlier.

Log file message level = 10 provides the most detailed debug messages, and is useful when you are debugging or troubleshooting.

Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > System > System Options

14. Manage Receivables Accounting Periods

Open or close periods in your accounting calendar to control the recording of accounting information for these periods. Since the objective of AutoInvoice is to create new transactions, the goal is to have these transactions impact open GL periods.

Ensure that the GL_DATE value you provide in the next task is within an open period.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Control >  Accounting > Open/Close periods

15. Manage Remit-To Address

Define a Remit-To Address so that customers know where to send payment for their invoices.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Print > Remit To Address > Create Remit-To Address

16. Define Shipping Parameters:

Navigation: Order Management --> Setup --> Shipping --> Shipping Parameters.

In General Tab.

In Pick Release Tab:

In Shipping Transaction Tab:

17. Define Transaction Type Line:

Navigation: Order Management --> Setup --> Transaction Type -->Define.

In Shipping Tab:

In Finance Tab:

Save your work.

18. Define Transaction Type Order:

Navigation: Order Management --> Setup --> Transaction Type --> Define

In Main Tab:

Click On Assign Line Flows:

Save your work.

19. Define Grants and Roles:

Navigation: Order Management --> Setup --> Shipping --> Grants and Role Definitions --> Grants.

20. Testing AutoInvoice:  AutoInvoice Import Process

Once the data is inserted into the Interface table, we are ready to submit the AutoInvoice Import Process
Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Interfaces > AutoInvoice

To monitor the progress of the process,
Navigation: View > Requests
click on Find Button



21. Review Invoice Created by AutoInvoice

To verify whether AutoInvoice created the invoice successfully, view the invoice in the Transaction workbench.

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions

Then run a Query using View > Query By Example
Enter the following filters:
  • Batch Source name = 'TIP BATCH SOURCE'
  • Reference field =
  • for the Invoice: enter the value you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE INVOICE 1'
  • for the Credit memo (if you also ran this test): enter the value you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP SAMPLE CM 1' or  'TIP SAMPLE CM 2'
  • for the Invoice with rules: enter the valud you provided for interface_line_attribute1 = 'TIP RULE INVOICE 1'

Then execute the query.

Click on Line Items button to see invoice lines.