Troubleshooting AutoAccounting in AutoInvoice

1.Error: Not all AutoAccounting types are defined

The validation code (in arcdsu.lpc) checks that the setup for the following account types have been defined:
  • Freight (FREIGHT)
  • Receivable (REC)
  • Revenue (REV)
  • AutoInvoice Clearing (SUSPENSE)
  • Tax (TAX)
  • Unbilled Receivables (UNBILL)
  • Unearned Revenue (UNEARN) 
      You can run the following to find out what account is missing the setup, please specify the org_id associated to your operating unit. There should be a row for each of the 7 types listed below.

WHERE  ORG_ID = &orgid
       ('FREIGHT', 'REC', 'REV', 'SUSPENSE', 'TAX', 'UNBILL', 'UNEARN');

Once you have determined which account type is missing, set it up via:

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting

Query whether the above accounts are defined or not.

2.Error: Please correct the {x} account assignment2.

Where {x} can be:  Freight, Receivable, Revenue, AutoInvoice Clearing, Tax, Unbilled Receivables, Unearned Revenue.
Step 1: If you are getting the error in AutoInvoice, try creating a manual transaction and use the same GL account segments. As you enter each GL account segment in the transaction form, if validation logic fails, the form will raise an error. This will help you in identifying which segments have issues and will assist you in resolving the problem.

Step 2:
For any of the above errors, the error message might display the Account that is causing the error to be raised. Let's take the following as an example:

Please correct the revenue account assignment (03-0000000--0000-00000-0000-0000)

A close look at the accounting segments shows the 3rd segment is missing.You should check the setup of your AutoAccounting via:

Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting
Then query up for Type = Revenue, and review the source for each of the segments.

Step 3: Depending on what the source is for the failing segment, you can use the following steps to investigate/troubleshoot further.

          1) Review Segment Sources

              a) Segments Source = Salesreps

When a segment of the GL account has to be derived from the GL accounts associated with the Salesrep, then it is pertinent that you associate a Salesrep to your transactions. Check whether the following has been set-up correctly:
  • Transaction Source
Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > Transactions > Sources

Query up the transaction source used for your AutoInvoice import batch, and navigate to the AutoInvoice Options tab, and ensure that the checkbox for Allow Salescredit is checked.

Next check the Sales Credit Validation tab, verify what you have setup for Salesperson, how you set it up here impacts what AutoInvoice will expect to see in the RA_INTERFACE_LINES_ALL table (discussed below)

  • System Options
Responsibility: Receivables Manager
Navigation: Setup > System > System Options

Navigate to the Miscellaneous tab and check if the Require Salesperson checkbox is checked.


The combination of the above settings determines the behavior re. Salescredits data in AutoInvoice.
Note: Regardless of the combination of settings you define below, if you pass data in RA_INTERFACE_SALESCREDITS_ALL, then AutoInvoice will validate that the data you provided is valid.

Allow Salescredit field
(In Transaction Source)
Require Salesperson
(in System Options)
Requirement of
Salescredit information
Not Checked
Not Checked
Not Checked
Not Checked
Any data entered will be ignored

  • GL account associated to Salesrep
Responsibility: CRM Resource manager
Navigation: Maintain Resources > Resources
Ensure that Freight, Receivables and Revenue Accounts associated to the Salesrep have been setup completely.