The best free anti virus software is free!Why pay when its free?

Why pay for something you can get for free? Its a question I have been ignoring now for well over 10 years now.Every year I would go out to the shops and buy the new Norton anti virus update for my single computer wile the other PCs have been running off other expensive anti virus that cost the earth but this year I had had it.

This year was the first year I dumped Norton and moved over to a free anti virus...yes that's right I downloaded AVG free edition for all my boxes and I can honestly say I am very impressed.

I could never understand why people would use a free anti virus but due to the economic conditions I decided I had to do it to try save money and I will never go back to Norton.AVG free does every thing my paid for anti virus but it doesn't dry up my wallet!

If you want to get a free anti virus I highly recommend AVG free edition which can be downloaded from their site at

If you don't want to go for a free version of anti virus then I recommend nod32!I bought a single copy for my server and I things it out beats all the anti virus software by far but again if it was free I would use it on every system.