The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =


1. The data that defines the flexfield on this field may be inconsistent. Inform your system
administrator that the function: KeyFlexfieldDefinitionFactory.getStructureNumber could not find the structure definition for the flexfield specified by Application = SQLGL, Code = GL# and Structure number =

2. The key flexfield with application name Receivables (AR), name Territory Flexfield (CT#), and structure Customer Territory Flexfield (CUSTOMER_TERRITORY_FLEXFIELD) is not frozen. Please contact your system administrator.

Steps to Reproduce:
Responsibility: AR Super User responsibility

Navigation: Customers > Customers
1.        Query a Customer
2.        Click Account
3.        Click Account Details
4.        Click on Site Details
5.        Click on Business Purposes, select Ship To and click Details. The error is received.

This is a setup issue. The error is due to the Key Flexfield for Customer Territory Flexfield is not frozen.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
Responsibility: Application Developer
Navigation: Flexfield > Key > Segments
1.        Query for Flexfield Title = Territory Flexfield
2.        Check the 'Freeze Flexfield Definition' checkbox
3.        Save.
4.        Retest the issue.