You might be thinking"why would I want to do this?" well there are multiple reasons,one being that if you a user of Google calendar you want to know exactly when somthing is and not have to move back and forth between google calendar and facebook to find out.You want everything in one place so that you can organise and collaborate your schedule with others.
There are a couple of things you will need to do this,these things are as follows:
A facebook account.
A Google account.
1.Log into facebook,Once you are logged in click on Settings > Applications Settings.
2.A list of applications will show up,find the "events"application and click on it.
3.A list of all your events will show up.Now click on"export events" which is on the top of the page next to the explore events link.if you cant find it look directly under the profile button ;)
4.A box will appear that looks like the following:
Copy the link which is in that box and then go to your google calendar. Google calendar under the"other calander"box click add then add by URL.
6.A white box will appear which looks like a search box.In this box you must past the link you got from facebook.It will look something like this:
Click add.
You have successfully transferred all your events to Google docs!