R12 : Web ADI Account Segment Columns Width not increasing individual KFF Segments width


Web ADI Account Segment Columns Width not increasing individual KFF Segments width

Layout definition using following navigation:
1) Desktop Integration - Responsibility
2) Define Layout
3) General Ledgers - Journals
4) Budgets - Single
5) Update
6) Under Line the width of Accounts is fixed
Increasing the width does not affect the column width during document creation.


1) Take the backup of the system
2) Apply Patch 12947598
3) Validate the version of following files:
BneVBALayout.java -- 120.11.12010000.15
BneVBALayoutColumn.java -- 120.9.12010000.3
Following commands can be used
strings - a $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/bne/integrator/document/macro/msoffice/excel/BneVBALayout.class|grep Header
strings -a $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/bne/integrator/document/macro/msoffice/excel/BneVBALayoutColumn.class|grep Header
4) Test the solution
5) Migrate the patch to the other environments.
6) Bounce the Middle Tier