R12: Diagnostic Tests Are Not Available or "A few tests might be corrupted


After upgrade to R12.1.2, there are not test available to execute.

After upgrade to R12.1.3, you will received the following error:

"A few tests might be corrupted.Those tests will not be visible in the HGrid.Please see logs for more details "

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. login as sysadmin ==> Select Application Diagnostics responsibility > click on Diagnose


Upgrade to R12.1.X


Concurrent program, "Workflow Role Hierarchy Propagation" failed when it was ran.

The output of the concurrent program has errors like  :

[main][9:53:17:179, 6/15/10] Running oracle.apps.fnd.oam.diagnostics.cp.MigrateCustomizationData
[main][9:53:17:180, 6/15/10] $Header: MigrateCustomizationData.java 120.0.12010000.4 2009/06/30 11:40:28 sramados noship $
[9:53:17:244, 6/15/10] oracle.apps.ont.diag.ONTCreditCheck.runTest(oracle.apps.fnd.oam.diagnostics.exec.ExecutionContext)
[9:53:17:439, 6/15/10] Test type xml file location = /u02/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes/oracle/apps/fnd/oam/diagnostics/config/fnddiagTestTypes.xml
[main][9:53:17:453, 6/15/10] ONT:Credit Check:oracle.apps.ont.diag.ONTCreditCheck Test type xml is not available at the expected location. Please refer log for more details.
[9:53:17:457, 6/15/10] oracle.apps.asf.diagnostics.CheckCustTAPSetup
[main][9:53:17:457, 6/15/10] AST:Customer:oracle.apps.asf.diagnostics.CheckCustTAPSetup The executable for the test is not available
[9:53:17:460, 6/15/10] oracle.apps.asf.diagnostics.MulticurrencySetup
[main][9:53:17:460, 6/15/10] AST:General:oracle.apps.asf.diagnostics.MulticurrencySetup The executable for the test is not available


1.- Run the following query:

select EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(text),'//JAVA_TOP') , name, node_name
from fnd_oam_context_files
where name not in ('TEMPLATE','METADATA')
and (status is null or status != 'H')
and CTX_TYPE = 'A'


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
/u03/oracle/DAILY/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes DAILY_oebs oebs
/u02/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes PROD_oebs oebs

This query only should return the correct value for the JAVA_TOP, in this case (the first row, this is the correct JAVA_TOP env) , the other/s rows need to be update as point 2.

2. Update all the others rows that not point to the correct JAVA_TOP:
update fnd_oam_context_files
set status='H'
where EXTRACTVALUE(XMLType(text),'//JAVA_TOP')='/u02/oracle/PROD/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes';

- Rerun "Diagnostics patching CP" DIAGPATCHINGCP Concurrent Program
- Bounce the Middle Tier
- Retry Diagnostics

R12 : Web ADI Account Segment Columns Width not increasing individual KFF Segments width


Web ADI Account Segment Columns Width not increasing individual KFF Segments width

Layout definition using following navigation:
1) Desktop Integration - Responsibility
2) Define Layout
3) General Ledgers - Journals
4) Budgets - Single
5) Update
6) Under Line the width of Accounts is fixed
Increasing the width does not affect the column width during document creation.


1) Take the backup of the system
2) Apply Patch 12947598
3) Validate the version of following files:
BneVBALayout.java -- 120.11.12010000.15
BneVBALayoutColumn.java -- 120.9.12010000.3
Following commands can be used
strings - a $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/bne/integrator/document/macro/msoffice/excel/BneVBALayout.class|grep Header
strings -a $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/bne/integrator/document/macro/msoffice/excel/BneVBALayoutColumn.class|grep Header
4) Test the solution
5) Migrate the patch to the other environments.
6) Bounce the Middle Tier

How to define Customize Web ADI Layout In R12

How to define Customize Web ADI Layout In R12:

Defining Layouts:

Layouts enable you to customize the user interface presented in your spreadsheet. Use the layout functionality to determine the fields in a spreadsheet, set their positions, and specify default values for the fields.

A layout must be available before you create a spreadsheet in the Create Document flow. Some integrators offer predefined layouts, or you can use the procedure described in this chapter to create a layout.

Note: For some products, the layouts are predefined and preselected. Therefore you cannot select an alternate layout during document creation.

Note: Unless your User is assigned the System Administrator responsibility, you must be granted access to an integrator to modify its layout. Specific form functions grant access to specific integrators. See
the product-specific documentation for information regarding access to individual integrator layouts.

Use the Define Layout flow to perform the following :

  • Define a new layout
  • Modify an existing layout
  • Duplicate a layout from the list and save it under a different name. You can then modify this duplicated layout.
  • Delete a layout from the list
 Define a new layout:

Use this procedure to define or modify a layout. The define layout flow consists of the
following actions:

1. Select the integrator.

Navigation: Oracle Web ADI --> Define Layout.

Select the integrator. Existing layouts for the integrator will be displayed.

 Click on Go.

2. Select an existing layout to update or create a new layout.

Choose Create to create a new layout; or, select an existing layout and choose Update to modify it. To create a new layout based on an existing layout, select Duplicate.

3. Enter a name for the layout and select the number of headers.

Enter a Layout Name and specify the Number of Headers to place across the top of the document.
If your document has one header, all fields that you identify as Header fields will display in a single list. If your layout includes numerous header fields, you may consider defining multiple headers to place them horizontally across the top of your document.

click on Next button.

4. Select the fields to appear on the layout, set defaults for the fields, and select the
placement of the field as context, header, or line item.

Determine the fields to be included in the Layout, their placement and default values. The page displays Required Fields and Optional Fields. Administering Web ADI 2-3 Some integrators offer the option Include Graph of Lines Data. Select the box to include a graph.

All required fields must be included in your layout. Include optional fields by selecting the Select box. The following table describes the options available for the fields in your layout:

Layout Field Options

Fields                                                                                          Description
Placement                                                       Defines the location of the field on the spreadsheet. Choices
                                                                      are Context, Header, and Line. In your spreadsheet:
                                                                     • Context: Appears at the top of the spreadsheet as
                                                                         read-only, contextual information.
                                                                     • Header: Fields whose values do not change for every
                                                                        record you are uploading. This region appears above
                                                                        the line region in the spreadsheet. If you specified
                                                                        multiple headers, select the one you wish the field to
                                                                        display in (for example: Header 1, Header 2, or Header
                                                                      • Line: Fields whose values change for every record that
                                                                         is uploaded to Oracle Applications. The rows of data in
                                                                         this region represent every record that will be

Default Types                                                   Note that some fields will have defaults predefined.
Default Type - Constant                                   Used when the text entered in the Default Value field is
                                                                       used as the default value in the spreadsheet.
Default Type - Environment                             Used to reference an environment variable when setting a
                                                                      default for a field. Values are as follows:
                                                                      •  sysdate: System date
                                                                      • database: Name of the current database
                                                                      • oauser.id: ID of your current Oracle Applications user

Default Type - Parameter                                 Used to reference a parameter that your system
                                                                        administrator stores in the form function (Self Service Link)
                                                                        that you use to access the Create Document flow. The
                                                                        parameters that can be referenced are specific to each
                                                                        integrator. See the product-specific documentation for the
                                                                        valid values for the default type.

Default Type -SQL                                         Used to run a SQL statement to determine the default for
                                                                      the field. Web ADI runs the SQL statement entered in the
                                                                      Default Value field and automatically populates the
                                                                      spreadsheet with the results. If more than one value is
                                                                      returned from the query, it uses the first value.
                                                                      You can use the following tokens in the SQL statement for
                                                                      the Default Value field:
                                                                     • $profiles$.profilename: Returns the value for the
                                                                       current user's profile when you enter the name of the
                                                                       profile option.
                                                                     • $env$.userid: Returns the current user ID.
                                                                     • $env$.appid: Returns the current application ID.
                                                                     • $env$.respid: Returns the current responsibility ID.
                                                                     • $env$.language: Returns the current session language.

Default Type - Formula                                 You can enter Excel-compatible formulas as default values
                                                                     for fields. Follow the Excel formula syntax and enclose field
                                                                     names in brackets.
                                                                     For example: [credit]+[debit]
                                                                     Note that referencing the field names rather than the cell
                                                                     names prevents your formulas from being corrupted if the
                                                                     order of the fields is changed in the layout.

5. In the Create Layout page, define display properties for the page components. Use this page to mark fields as Read Only, to Hide fields, and to move the fields up or down in the display order. Document Properties
• Protect Sheet - select Yes or No to set the state of the document when
downloaded. A protected sheet will allow you to update the data fields but will
Administering Web ADI 2-5 not allow you to insert rows. The user can change this setting in Excel by
selecting Protection from the Tools menu.
• Style sheet - select a style sheet to apply to the document.

Enter the Header information.

Enter Line Information.

click on Next button.

5. Set properties for the layout components including field width or column span,
hidden or unhidden, and position.

Click on Apply button.

Context and Header Field Properties

• Prompt Span - enter the number of columns that the field prompt will span. Important: For context and header fields, you set the number of columns for the Prompt, Hint, and Data to span. You set the column widths for the fields at the Line level. Therefore, when setting the column spans for a header or context field, be aware that the width of a column is determined by the width of the line fields in the spreadsheet.

• Title - (optional) enter a title for the header.

• Hint Span - enter the number of columns for the field hint to span. The hint for a field can include the following:

• * - indicates the field is required.
• List - indicates that the field provides a list of values. Double-click the field to invoke the list.
• Data type - the data type for each field is always displayed. For example, Text or Number.
• Data Span - enter the number of columns for the data to span.
• Hide - select this box if you want the field hidden on the spreadsheet.
• Read Only - select this box if you want the field to display as a nonrefundable, read-only field.
Line Region Properties
• Data Entry Rows - enter the number of blank rows to display when the document is generated. The user can add more rows once the document is downloaded to Excel.
• Width - enter the width of the field in characters.
• Frozen Pane - use this selection to set the fields that you want to remain visible while you scroll horizontally across the spreadsheet.
• Read Only

Design Considerations:

When setting the column spans for context and header fields, you must consider the column widths that are set at the line item level. The following figure shows the layout specifications for the Context fields and how these specifications rendered in the actual document. The Context Prompt Span is defined as 5 columns and the Context Data Span is defined as 4 columns. Note that the Prompt span covers columns B through D:
• Column B is the automatically generated Upload line item column
• Column C is the Period line item column
• Columns D, E, and F are key flexfield segment columns

Administering Web ADI 2-7
The next example shows the Hint Span for the Header set to 1. In this case because the
column that the hint falls into is narrow, all the hints are not displayed. To correct this
for this example, expand the Hint Span to 3.

The following figure shows the same document after increasing the Header Hint Span to 3.

Note that achieving the desired layout may require several iterations, as changing the column spans for the fields in the first header will affect the placement of the fields in the second header. For example, in the preceding figure, when the Hint Span was changed to 3 for Header 1, the Hint text for Header 2 was moved to a narrower column resulting in part of that text being hidden.

R12 Uploading a Journal using Web ADI : Step by Step

R12 Uploading a Journal using Web ADI : Step by Step


Web ADI brings Oracle E-Business Suite functionality to the desktop where the familiar
Microsoft Excel, Word, and Project applications can be used to complete your Oracle
E-Business Suite tasks.
The Web ADI integration with Microsoft Excel enables you to bring your E-Business
Suite data to a spreadsheet where familiar data entry and modeling techniques can be
used to complete Oracle E-Business Suite tasks. You can create formatted spreadsheets
on your desktop that allow you to download, view, edit, and create Oracle E-Business
Suite data. Use data entry shortcuts (such as copying and pasting or dragging and
dropping ranges of cells) or Excel formulas to calculate amounts to save time. You can
combine speed and accuracy by invoking lists of values for fields within the
After editing the spreadsheet, you can use Web ADI's validation functionality to
validate the data before uploading it to the Oracle E-Business Suite. Validation
messages are returned to the spreadsheet, allowing you to identify and correct invalid

Key Features

Oracle Web ADI includes the following features:

Works Via Internet
Web ADI uses Internet computing architecture to lower the total cost of ownership by
having the product centrally installed and maintained. No installation is required on
client machines; you need only a Web browser and Microsoft Excel. This architecture
also provides superior performance over a WAN or dialup connection, since the
exchange between client and server is simplified through the use of HTML.

Presents E-Business Suite Data in a Spreadsheet Interface
Spreadsheets provide a familiar interface that is common in the business environment.
You can use familiar editing capabilities such as copying and pasting data, and moving
ranges of cells to create or edit large amounts of data. Recurring data entry is possible
by saving a spreadsheet, and then uploading it at needed intervals, such as every month
or every quarter. Spreadsheets offer additional flexibility in the way work is done; they
can be sent to others for approval or review, and they can be edited when disconnected
from a network.

Validates Data
All data in the spreadsheet can be validated against Oracle E-Business Suite business
rules before it is uploaded. This includes validation against key and descriptive
flexfields. Data is validated against accounts, segment security rules, and cross
validation rules. If any errors are found, messages are returned directly to the
spreadsheet, enabling you to correct the errors and successfully upload the data.

Enables Customizations
You can use the layout functionality to determine what fields appear in your
spreadsheet, where they appear, and if they contain default values. These definitions
can be saved, reused, and modified as needed.

Automatically Imports Data
Wed ADI automatically imports data into your Web ADI spreadsheets whenever you
create them. This information can come from the Oracle E-Business Suite or from a text
file. Imported information can be quickly modified in Excel, validated, and uploaded to
the Oracle E-Business Suite. This feature can be useful when migrating data from a
legacy system to the Oracle E-Business Suite.

Using Web ADI

The Oracle E-Business Suite task you perform on the desktop is determined by the
integrator you select in Web ADI. Each integrator is delivered with the E-Business Suite
product that provides the functionality being integrated with the desktop. Additional
information specific to each integrator can be found in the product-specific
You can access Web ADI functionality through a Self Service link on your personal
home page.


The following are the prerequisites for Web ADI:
• Client PC with Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 (with Service Pack 3 or later),
Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 98 installed on it.
• A Web browser supported by the E-Business Suite installed on the client PC.
• Microsoft Excel 2000, 2002, or 2003 installed on the client PC.

Changing Macro Security Settings for Excel 2002 or 2003

For Web ADI to work with Microsoft Excel 2002/2003, you must change the macro
settings for Excel 2002/2003. To do so:
1. In Excel, from the Tools menu, select Macro, then Security, then Security Level.
2. Select the "Medium" option.
3. Select the Trusted Sources tab.
4. Select the "Trust access to Visual Basic Project" option.

Steps need to perform:

1. You need to make sure underline responsibility should be attached to your user id.
WEBADI User linked to the correct Set of Books attached to your responsibility.

Navigation: System Administrator --> Security --> User --> Define.


2. Then go to Oracle WEBADI Responsiblity

Navigate: Oracle Web ADI --> Create Document.

3. Select the Integrator

This is first step , where you need to select the Integrator, there are number of  integrator avaible but you to choose one of them for each template.

 Click on Next button.

4. Select the Viewer

This is first step , where you need to select the viewer, there are number of viewer available but you to choose one of them for each template.

Click on Next Button.

5. Click on the Drop down on the Viewer field.

You can see these are the different options available for viewer.

6. Out of above mention list you need to chose 'Excel 2003'. Make sure Excel 2003, is install in your machine

You should take a if the reporting flag is ticked you will not be able to upload the Journal. Make sure this should be unchecked.

Click on Next Button.

7.Select the layout

select the layout from the list which we want.

Click on Next Button.

8.Select content:

Select a Content to import data into your document. Create an empty document by selecting None.

Click on Next Button.

 Click on Create Document.

Click on Open button.

Clicking to this button will create document in excel 2003, you need to wait for few seconds untill the screen will enable button.

 Once document get created you can open download the excel , it will take some time to get the the template ready for upload.Once template loading get completed, close the confirmation window.

Once we get confirmation click on close button.

This is document which is ready for upload.

To enter values into the fields Double Click on the white field to the right of the colored cells. This will open a subsidiary window to give the find options from the List of system set value options.

You need to select by clicking on the Radio style button, and click on the Select Button.

When all the details of the Journal is entered, using double click List of Values search tool, click on the Oracle Menu.

Navigate to Upload:

Select all the Upload Parameters

You will find these options for Rows to Upload
  • All Rows - This ignores whether an individual row is flagged, and uploads all rows
  • Flagged Rows - When rows are typed into, a Flag symbol is entered automatically into the Flagged column. If you cut and paste into the spreadsheet, the flags will not automatically be entered. They can be forced into the column by typing a Capital O, which generates the symbol, this can be dragged down using the Excel Autofill facility.
  • Validate before Upoad - This checks for valid account combinations before submitting the Journal.
  • Automatically Submit Journal Import - This Triggers the Journal Import function in General Ledger.
  • Create Summary Journals - Where Summary Accounting is employed, the Summary Journals will be generated.
  • Descriptive Flexfields
    • Do Not Import - This relates to any extra Descriptive Flexfields added to the Journal Layout
    • Import with Validation - This option allows for the extra Fields to be transferred, with validation.
    • Import without Validation - Allows all data to transfer to the General Ledger

Next you need to click on Upload to initiate the Transfer to GL, and if the Automatically Submit journal Import option is checked, the General Ledger Journal import is triggered

Confirmation of the success of the sending and the triggering of the import is displayed.

Success indicators (Green Smiley faces) appear

Now you can check the journal Upload confirmation screen with the Journal Import Request I D number is displayed

You can check this is standard Oracle, see the final output and the progress of the Journal import.

 You can validate this is oracle.

Navigation: General Ledger --> Journal --> Enter

Enter the following parameters for searching the journals.

Sources: Manual

Period: Jan-13

Category : Adjustment.

Click on find.