Responsibility:Receivables Manager
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions
1. Create a New Invoice
Type = Manual Invoice (with default tax classification enabled)
Bill To = Customer with 2 accounts with different Tax Rates VAT1 and VAT2.
Initial selection - VAT1 customer account.
2. Create new invoice line
Description = "Line 1"
Quantity = 1
Unit Price = 100
Tax Classification is defaulted from Customer Account and is VAT1 (This is correct behavior of the application).
3. Update AR Invoice header level = Change Customer Account having TAX VAT1 to VAT2.
4. Open Lines form and add new invoice line.
Tax Classification is not re-defaulted for "Line 1." Still shows VAT1.
5. Add new line:
Description = "Line 2"
Quantity = 1
Unit Price = 100
Tax Classification is defaulted from Customer Account and is VAT2.
Navigation: Transactions > Transactions
1. Create a New Invoice
Type = Manual Invoice (with default tax classification enabled)
Bill To = Customer with 2 accounts with different Tax Rates VAT1 and VAT2.
Initial selection - VAT1 customer account.
2. Create new invoice line
Description = "Line 1"
Quantity = 1
Unit Price = 100
Tax Classification is defaulted from Customer Account and is VAT1 (This is correct behavior of the application).
3. Update AR Invoice header level = Change Customer Account having TAX VAT1 to VAT2.
4. Open Lines form and add new invoice line.
Tax Classification is not re-defaulted for "Line 1." Still shows VAT1.
5. Add new line:
Description = "Line 2"
Quantity = 1
Unit Price = 100
Tax Classification is defaulted from Customer Account and is VAT2.
This is standard functionality of the application.
The Tax Classification Code for the previous line has already been saved and shouldn't default a new value in place of the saved one.
The first line item received a Tax Classification defaulted for the current setting. This is changed to a new Tax code and saved.
If the customer details are changed at the header and the system defaults a new Tax Classification Code in place of the already saved one, there will be a problem.
Tax-Code should not be re-defaulted for the lines when the line is already saved. The line already has a valid Tax Code. Entering a new line to the invoice will default the correct Tax Code.
This option can be changed it manually.
The Tax Classification Code for the previous line has already been saved and shouldn't default a new value in place of the saved one.
The first line item received a Tax Classification defaulted for the current setting. This is changed to a new Tax code and saved.
If the customer details are changed at the header and the system defaults a new Tax Classification Code in place of the already saved one, there will be a problem.
Tax-Code should not be re-defaulted for the lines when the line is already saved. The line already has a valid Tax Code. Entering a new line to the invoice will default the correct Tax Code.
This option can be changed it manually.