Grouping Rule:
Define grouping rules that AutoInvoice will use to group revenue and credit transactions into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. Grouping rules specify attributes that must be identical for lines to appear on the same transaction.
Grouping rules include mandatory attributes which are always included in all grouping rules, and optional attributes which may be included in a grouping rule. Optional attributes may be added to the mandatory attributes to create new grouping rules. To be included in a group a transaction must always match on all of the mandatory attributes as well as on all of the optional attributes included in a grouping rule. For complete lists of the mandatory attributes and the optional attributes see the section titled "Using Grouping Rules to Create Transactions" in the Transactions chapter. All attributes of the Transaction Flexfield are optional within a grouping rule, and you can assign these attributes as optional grouping characteristics in the Grouping Rules window.
In the diagram below, the grouping rule specifies that to appear on the same invoice items must match on all of the mandatory attributes, for example currency (CURRENCY_CODE) and bill-to address (ORIG_SYSTEM_BILL_ADDRESS_ID) and must also match on the optional attribute of order type (SALES_ORDER_SOURCE). For example, in the diagram, assume that all mandatory attributes match other than currency and bill-to address. Items A and B share the same currency and order type, so they appear on the same invoice (Invoice 1). Item C has the same currency as A and B, but it has a different order type, so it appears on its own invoice (Invoice 2). Items D and E share the same currency and Order Type, so they appear on the same invoice (Invoice 3).
Using Grouping Rules