1.login to twitter by clicking here and typing your user name and password in correctly and pressing the "sign in"button.
2.once logged into twitter click on the settings tab in the top right hand corner and then select design.
3.There are 3 things you can do on this page.You can choose a pre made theme,you can Change background image and you can Change design colours.If you don't have a picture you would like to upload as your background choose a theme.By choosing a theme twitter will automatically change both the background image and change the colours.
4.to change the background Image click browes under"Change background image" and look through your PC for the image you would like to have as a background.I suggest your background to be 1800 by 1000 in size so that it fits on realy big screens as well as smaller ones. After you have found the background picture you want click"open" and then click save changes.
5.If you want to change your font colours all you have to do is click on the "Change design colours" tab and then change the stuff there.I do not want to change the colours so I am now finished changing my background and adding a theme.
You have successfully changed your background and/or theme on twitter! For other twitter how to guide please click here or if you would like to start following on-his-mind on twitter please click here to visit ow twitter page and then click follow.